Javascript’s vital role
Whether or not a project can accommodate new HTML5 and CSS3 features, we still turn to JavaScript to provide users with rich and meaningful experiences, including inline form validation, error handling and live page formatting. The key difference between JavaScript and traditional HTML and CSS is that the former is a programming language. Thus, JavaScript is capable of powerful results and tricky logic but is less friendly to sloppy coding and human error. This latter characteristic leads me to my main advice about using JavaScript on your new website.
Enhance, Enhance
The first rule in applying JavaScript to your website is to test failures. What happens in a browser that has JavaScript disabled? What happens if you make a request to a geo-location API that the user declines? If either of these paths make all or a portion of your website inaccessible or inoperable, then this solution would be unacceptable, and an error- and interruption-free approach would need to be found. Much like how we currently approach CSS3, JavaScript should be used as a tool to enhance the user’s experience, not as a band-aid for quick results. If you rely on it to deliver the experience, then you are setting your website up for failure.
This might make it seem like JavaScript is not worthwhile to the design process, and indeed in some situations it may not be. One of the dangers of using any dynamic or script-based solution is that they can be so much fun to implement. Designers often get caught up in how cool these tools are and get distracted from considering whether everyone would have the same experience.
On the other hand, for adding meaningful functionality to a design, such as those mentioned earlier, JavaScript can have a truly magical effect. One of the more common examples of good JavaScript usage is inline form validation. We have all made an error in a Web form only to find out after having hit the “Submit” button, forcing us to go back and re-enter the information; in many cases, sensitive information such as passwords and credit card numbers needs to be re-entered as well. Alerting users to mistakes in real time makes online forms significantly less frustrating. Of course, we have a lot of tools and libraries out there to help us with this, as well as other great interactive features.
Keeping It Tidy
With all of these JavaScript tools at our disposal, going overboard and using as many as we can is easy, especially if we can justify their presence as enhancing the user experience. But keep in mind that with each new JavaScript library, plug-in or solution, we are adding files and lines of code to our pages that users have to download. With each bit of functionality, we have a trade-off with performance.
We can do some things to curb the performance trade-off. The most common way to optimize JavaScript is to concatenate and minify the files. Keeping multiple JavaScripts in a single optimized file reduces the number of calls that the website has to make to the server. For high-traffic solutions and clients who demand peak performance, this simple trick can save a lot of money. Of course, at a certain point, a single JavaScript file becomes too long and therefore a hindrance to the website and a nightmare to maintain.
Beyond optimization, there are techniques we can follow to keep JavaScript from weighing us down. One technique is parallel script loading. Loading your scripts in parallel will reduce blocks on the browser and save loading time, especially in older browsers that load linked resources one at a time. A great resource for this is the Head JS project.
Aside from parallel loading, developers have been taking advantage of selective loading techniques for years. This is often referred to as lazy loading, where you call external JavaScript files only where you need them. This is another resource-saving technique.
Pulling It All Together
Giving your website a clean and concise structure opens the door to myriad opportunities. Search engines will have an easier time indexing your content; screen readers and accessibility devices are less likely to be confused by the structure of your website; users on cellular networks can download your content faster; and designers will be able to expand with the latest and greatest techniques.
Let’s be honest, though. Putting a website together the right way does take more time and money up front. The whole team has to take extra caution and spend more time in the planning stages, making sure that everything is considered with the future in mind. Before a website is implemented and introduced to users, it needs to go through a scrubbing process that might not yield any changes in the front end. Finally, project stakeholders are forced to spend time thinking about scenarios (which may or may not happen) in which the natural order of their website is disrupted.
Many of these reasons have led us to implement less-than-ideal solutions in the past for the sake of meeting deadlines and budgets. But how often have we been forced to go back and fix something that wasn’t done correctly the first time? How much money are companies spending to get rid of bad practices that seemed harmless at the time but have left their websites expensive to update and maintain? Building rock-solid code and taking advantage of the power of modularity enables our websites to grow and saves much more than it costs by negating the need for another redesign just two years later.
It is for all of these reasons that the core necessities of a good website have been neglected for far too long.
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